At the heart of this sophisticated condo home named Lusso rests a masterful interplay…
home office
Mei Yan’s Home Office Tour: A Japandi-Inspired Modern Minimalist Workspace That Feels Like Home | design
The project’s client is Mei Yan, a prominent Malaysian radio announcer at Astro Radio. The objective was to integrate the residence with filming and home office functions, while maintaining a warm and spacious space that could accommodate intimate gatherings with her close friends.
本案業主為馬來西亞中文電台 Astro 節目主持人顏薇恩,希望能將這處寓所融入拍攝與居家辦公機能,同時享有溫馨、寬敞的公共空間,隨時可招待上門小聚的閨蜜友人。
在挑選一台能讓我們兼顧長時間工作的桌上型電腦熒幕,少不了提及護眼科技品牌 BenQ 這台「27吋護眼螢幕 GW2785TC」了。
Amidst a sophisticated palette of dark tones and gold highlights, this home comes alive…
With a warm outlook and sophisticated details, this home expresses a design-conscious theme that…
With its fun-meets-formal ambience, Cody Hong and Lizz Chloe’s home is a picture-perfect expression…
Some of us bring our work home with us — but without a proper desk…
A well-designed study area promotes productivity when you are working and gives you a…