Amid the busy city streets of Hong Kong, Monmono Yellow shines as bold statement…
Novae restaurant, nestled in the vibrant city of Petaling Jaya, beckons diners into a…
CommercialF&BGlobal Design
Lavish Glamour: A Bodacious Lounge in Bangkok Beautifully Furnished with Exquisite Pieces
With Bangkok’s attractive nightlife and love for design, it was only fitting to build…
位在吉隆坡市中心的精緻 Omakase(厨師發辦)概念日式高級料理餐廳 Sushi Soul,透過 Inch Theory 之手牽引出靈魂深處的奧秘,大肆渲染沉靜暗黑色調,讓神秘灰黑引領一場細緻而純粹的五感體驗。
This Omakase Restaurant Offers a Tasteful Experience with a Dash of Mystery: INCH Theory
Soulful, stylish, and elegantly immersive – the Sushi Soul restaurant designed by INCH Theory…
位於怡保的 V Life 素食咖啡餐廳以些微斑駁質感的文化石磚搭配乾花裝飾的門面,經自然風化的乾花,不復往昔般豔麗紛繁;褪去原色的它們統一披上時間賦予的淡琥珀色衣裳,宛如將流逝的靜好歲月永遠定格在秋季的閒逸之中,讓不經意路過的行人恍若踏入古樸自然的田園鄉村風景,倏然於心底升起懷舊的思緒。
走進窄小的民宅區,都市不時傳出人聲鼎沸、車流喧囂的噪音都在此漸變為輕微細語。而眼前坐落在角落地段的 8c The Central Kitchen,在一眾老舊民宅中猶如別緻的人文風景;外觀漆上亮眼的芥末黃,與午後閒適暖漾的日光相互映襯出柔和的視覺溫度。
At every corner of this tea store designed like a bus station, there’s something…
The Chinese-Muslim restaurant, Mohd Chan, features vibrant themes converging in bursts of whimsical colour.…
The decadence of the Roaring Twenties and flapper counterculture is expressed in the style…
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