Ultimately, D’Rapport Residences exemplify the perfect blend of modern luxury and timeless elegance. Through…
Building MaterialsLiving
Oezer: Light Brings Life to Architecture, Windows and Doors as Vessels of Light and Shadow
Windows and doors are not just the “eyes” of a building—they are the first…
In modern living, furniture must be more than functional—it needs to tell a story…
Home Sweet Home: With a Wabi Sabi Uplift, this Medan Damansara Terrace Now Radiates Lived-In Luxury
With humble beginnings as an unassuming terrace house in Medan Damansara, this beautiful home…
門窗不僅是建築的「眼睛」,更是守護家的第一道防線。自 2013 年創立以來,歐哲 (Oezer)以「讓家更安全」為品牌宗旨,專注於提供結合高端美學與尖端科技的定制門窗解決方案。
Natural Harmony: Mozaic Furniture’s Bespoke Furniture Brings a Luxurious Condo Unit to Life
Enhanced with beautiful materials, the SA Garden OUG condo unit is a picture perfect…
當代生活需要不止於實用的家具,更需要能觸動人心的設計語言,作爲探索原創精神的高端現代整體家居品牌——華意空間(Huayi Space)便是最佳的典範之一。
Serenade of Style: The Art of Cosy Living is Given a Modern Touch in this Putra Heights Condo
For the Serenade condo show unit in Putra Heights, SQFT Space Design Management has…
If you didn’t know any better, you might mistake this stunning residence for a…
爲了實現屋主一家四口舒適、精緻質感生活的嚮往,經過簡兆芝室内設計 INK Design Space 的巧手下,由原先的兩戶合併為一戶,透過精準拿捏空間尺度、家具比例與軟裝擺設,打造敞闊精品宅的空間氛圍。