Every element in this 2,820 sqft condo residence is a picturesque depiction of class…
With its modern opulent theme, this exquisite home in Bukit Damansara expresses a well-composed…
初訪位於檳城北岸丹絨武雅(Tanjung Bungah),佇立於海拔 223 尺之地,素以大面積綠色景觀植被而著稱的高級豪華公寓 Alila 2(雅逸嵐 2)。任誰到訪此地都會對眼前雄偉的山光水色而爲之驚嘆,烙下深刻的記憶。本案屋主是一名退休工作者,企盼能與家人在自然生態環繞的新家品味餘生,清歡人間。
Styling your child’s bedroom can be a lot of great fun. Great fun, however,…
BedroomDecor Tips
Slumber Pretty: 10 Incredibly Stylish Bedrooms That You Will Love
by chxadminby chxadminCosy, modern bedrooms with hearty doses of style are now a dream come true. The key…
We can all name at least one of our favourite colours, but not all…
If your house has ceilings which are inherently low, or in case your ceilings are of average height however you would possibly need them to look taller. Here are 10 practical ways you might have been looking into to make a ceiling look higher!
在追求高品質睡眠的路上,一張優質好睡的床墊,絕對是舒適睡眠的大前提,它們往往扮演著關鍵角色。而 King Koil Extended Life 系列正是這場夢想之旅的得力夥伴,它是和 ICA 國際脊椎醫生協會攜手合作,共同研發出來的床墊系列,讓你從早上起床的那刻起,就能感受到身心的舒展與輕盈。
Colour plays an important role in the ambience of a house. Not only it sets the mood,it affects our emotions,and it also show one’s personal style and taste.
色彩在居家設計中佔據了非常關鍵性的地位,不僅能形塑空間氛圍、牽動人的感官情緒、它也是展現個人風格和品味最直接的表達。針對還不熟悉配色的新手來説,建議最安全的配色法是:一個空間所選用的主色不宜超過 3 種。配色用得好,你也可以是個配色達人!