Just mention Magis, and design lovers will instantly picture playful pieces that blend contemporary…
Global DesignLifestyle
#DDNSafariFest September 2021 Edition: A Virtual Showcase of 8 Inspiring Italian Brands
In conjunction with 2021’s Salone del Mobile, the #DDNSafariFest is back again for its…
歷屆的「DDN Safari Fest」猶如國際知名設計品牌雲集亮相的盛大慶典,本次參展的優秀義大利品牌同樣陣容強大,共同傳遞無與倫比精致奢美的義式設計美學特色。本屆 DDN Safari Fest 則邀請11位,包括本站 Creative Homex 在内的全球各地知名設計媒體,或博客將擔任共同策展人。 虛擬線上導覽將從9月2日至12日(爲期11天),為觀衆帶來耳目一新的視覺體驗!
Crafted with a personal touch, the new TSG 1895 lamp, Porcelain is a beautiful…
With two editions of its fair in 2020 progressing as usual, CIFF has demonstrated…
An architect and engineer by training, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he…
Selena Xu has 10+ years of expertise in innovation and design thinking industry. She…
A workplace strategist, creative designer and enthusiastic social entrepreneur, Tatiana Gomez will talk about…
Previously we have covered the spectacular designer tour in Milan where Iko In brought…
Established in 1950, renowned Swiss furniture brand Vitra has come a long way to…