An ordinary bathroom can be made memorable and luxurious with some exploratory whimsy, outside-the-box…
Some of us just might be able to live with cold water showers, especially…
A storage water heater can work wonders to give your bathroom an added layer…
房屋信息: 設計公司:Nu Infinity 房屋格局:4房3廳 房屋狀況:老屋翻新 空間坪數:43坪 房屋類型:2層半排屋 本案是超過20年以上的老屋,屋主蕭慧敏與其丈夫自婚後一同共築美好的居家空間。
With a warm outlook and sophisticated details, this home expresses a design-conscious theme that…
衛浴間是:「思考沈思、靈感飛揚、釋放疲憊、心靈愉悅等,還能培育出 “ 歌神 ” 或 “ 歌后 ”」,乃家中極為獨特的一處空間場域。
1、「Powder rain」 -
Sophisticated yet cosy in every way, cool hues and simple lines bring out a…
Gracefully styled with personal touches here and there, the interior of this dwelling features…
BathroomHome Appliances
Centon Neptune & Nautilus: High Performance Storage Water Heaters for Your Home
by chxadminby chxadminWhether it’s for showering or cleaning, most Malaysians can’t do without hot water in…