MY FAVOURITE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARDS 我最喜愛的國際設計獎(MFID)自 2012 年首度亮相以來,旨在發掘世界各地室內設計領域優秀的設計菁英,提供專業的競技舞台,徵集全球具有卓越質量與最具啟發性的豪華住宅設計作品。該獎項由 iN Publishers Sdn Bhd(英出版社私人有限公司)創辦人 iko iN 舉辦,其籌辦的獎項受到國際設計界認可,MFID 作為連結國內外室內設計界各專業人士的重要樞紐,支援每個參與者與業內龍頭、合作夥伴建立聯繫。
獲獎者:Hoe & Yin Design 私人有限公司
獲獎作品:天空時尚 B 戶型
獲獎者:Nice-style Refurbishment 私人有限公司
獲獎作品:Setia Safiro A 戶型
作品主軸圍繞在現代歐洲風格,帶有一種獨特的魅力,將傳統元素與當代設計相結合,營造出既豪華又舒適的氛圍。從高端酒店設計中汲取靈感,融合藝術裝飾(Art Deco)風格的奢華感和維也納現代主義的特色,巧妙融入到室內設計中,打造出豐富的藝術品味和人文底蘊的空間。
撰文整理:Lee Khe Ying
Gold Sponsor: NES Security Door
NES Door Marketing Sdn. Bhd. is an integrated security door manufacturer located at Klang. Our team consist of professionals that have more than 20 years experience in the security and safety door industry. Thus, we understand our customers’ needs and requirement. We believe everyone can own a safe home with NES Security Door.
Strategic Partner:Malaysian International Furniture Fair - MIFF
Malaysian International Furniture Fair is the doorway into the thriving ASEAN furniture industry and abroad. With the hundreds of international brands flying in to exhibit alongside many outstanding Malaysian companies, MIFF is Southeast Asia’s largest B2B furniture trade show, and has consistently ranked among the top 10 worldwide.