Home LifestyleEvents 2024 MFID 我最喜愛的國際設計獎得獎者公佈!國際最佳豪華住宅設計(INternational Best Luxury Home Design)

2024 MFID 我最喜愛的國際設計獎得獎者公佈!國際最佳豪華住宅設計(INternational Best Luxury Home Design)

by creativehomex

MY FAVOURITE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARDS 我最喜愛的國際設計獎(MFID)自 2012 年首度亮相以來,旨在發掘世界各地室內設計領域優秀的設計菁英,提供專業的競技舞台,徵集全球具有卓越質量與最具啟發性的豪華住宅設計作品。該獎項由 iN Publishers Sdn Bhd(英出版社私人有限公司)創辦人 iko iN 舉辦,其籌辦的獎項受到國際設計界認可,MFID 作為連結國內外室內設計界各專業人士的重要樞紐,支援每個參與者與業內龍頭、合作夥伴建立聯繫。

獲獎者:One Space 私人有限公司
獲獎作品:東方典雅 Oriental Elegance



獲獎者:Stuarts Design 私人有限公司
獲獎作品:暗黑奢華 Luxe Noir

本案取名爲「Luxe Noir」,空間中以奢華風的精緻為主軸,大膽採用「黑色」為基底,運用華麗質感的材質表現以及優雅金色燈光融合,在暗黑色系的空間中創造層次感,材料與光線互映,反而顯得更有張力,為場域烘托出神秘的沉穩表情,頗爲戲劇感。設計師在軟裝上選用豪華的天鵝絨軟墊、光滑的緞面窗簾、皮革家具;材質則援引濃淡如墨的大理石、黑檀木和抛光不鏽鋼元素,暈染如藝術品般的氣質深度,帶來視覺多種豐富的面貌。餐廳區擁有寬敞的空間條件,融入長型中島與餐桌串聯,島台可用於平日備餐料理,餐桌吧檯可同時容納多人用餐,溫馨的聚餐時刻隨時上演。「Luxe Noir」為欣賞生活藝術的業主而存在,專屬於這個家庭的精緻品味流動在各個空間中。


獲獎作品:萬物生 Eternal Genesis



獲獎者:Yimun Design and Build 私人有限公司
獲獎作品:Banyan Tree Residence



獲獎者:Dare Solution
獲獎作品:奢華 Lusso



撰文整理:Lee Khe Ying

Platinum Sponsor: ROBAM

Established in 1979, ROBAM Appliances manufacturer of contemporary kitchen appliance. Our company provides consumers with quality products such as the sterilizer, gas hob, range hood, steam oven, electric oven, microwave and the electric pressure cooker.

Gold Sponsor: Malaysian Timber Council - MTC

The Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) was established in January 1992 to promote the development and growth of the Malaysian timber industry.

Gold Sponsor: NES Security Door

NES Door Marketing Sdn. Bhd. is an integrated security door manufacturer located at Klang. Our team consist of professionals that have more than 20 years experience in the security and safety door industry. Thus, we understand our customers’ needs and requirement. We believe everyone can own a safe home with NES Security Door.

Gold Sponsor: SKINROCK

We are a small, innovative Swiss company that has dedicated itself to working with natural stone. We take majestic, rugged rock formed millions of years ago, tame it and bring the timeless elegance of real stone into your home.

Silver Sponsor:KUMILINK

In Japanese 「組 Kumi 」means assemble. Kumilink aim to Assemble (Kumi) innovative concepts and establish a meaningful Link between individuals and the essence of nature.

Strategic Partner:Malaysian International Furniture Fair - MIFF

Malaysian International Furniture Fair is the doorway into the thriving ASEAN furniture industry and abroad. With the hundreds of international brands flying in to exhibit alongside many outstanding Malaysian companies, MIFF is Southeast Asia’s largest B2B furniture trade show, and has consistently ranked among the top 10 worldwide.

Organiser:iN DESIGN LAB

iN DESIGN LAB aims to provide a vibrant and exciting hotspot to create awareness and promote quality design and products. Focus showcase quality products and ideas from product design, fashion design and graphic design to interior design and more.

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