Home LifestyleEvents SHIFT2022: Building Communities – New Dates (Nov 17-18 2022)

SHIFT2022: Building Communities – New Dates (Nov 17-18 2022)

by creativehomex

Update: A two-day International Architecture Conference theme DI.SHIFT 2022: Building Communities will be held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on Nov 17 and 18 2022. Eight distinguished speakers convened to discuss issues pertinent to the notion of building communities in architecture and the built environment.

The conference will be moderated by Chatpong Chuenrodeemol (Chat architects, Thailand) to discuss the circumstances have opened up a contemporary discourse on the role of architecture in building and re-building communities. It seeks to address issues of community, particularly how conditions and circumstances such as globalisation, urbanisation, technological innovations, climate change and the pandemic impact on the role of architecture in building communities.

With the support from industry partners, universities and associations, DOMA Initiatives plan to push forward an agenda of inclusiveness, working openly with anyone that supports the foundations aspirations and values.

The speakers are Wei Na (WEI Architects, China), Dong Gong (Vector Architects, China), Liu Jia Kun (Jiakun Architects, China), Changjoong Kim (The System Lab, Korea), Professor Hanif Kara (AKT II, United Kingdom), Milinda Pathiraja (RAW, Sri Lanka), David Schafer (Studiomake, Thailand), Kevin Carmody (Carmody Groarke, United Kingdom), Christopher Lee (Serie Architects, United Kingdom/Singapore).


New registrations are now OPEN! (registrations done in 2020 pre-covid is still valid and will be applicable for SHIFT2022).


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