Home LifestyleEvents SaloneSatellite and Rinascente: Design (re)Starts With Young People

SaloneSatellite and Rinascente: Design (re)Starts With Young People

by creativehomex

The collaboration between SaloneSatellite and Rinascente enters its 9th consecutive year, marking a steadfast commitment to showcasing and championing the authentic prowess of 10 international design studios. These studios garnered attention at the previous event for their remarkable ecological mindfulness and a distinctive affinity for the raw, the incomplete, the seemingly casual, and the recycled.

On display and available for purchase at the Design Supermarket from October 5th to November 6th are 14 carefully curated products. These selections stand out for their conscientious use of materials, environmental considerations, immediate design appeal, and remarkable eclecticism. The common threads that weave through these objects and furnishings include experimentation, innovation, craftsmanship, sustainability, and a commitment to inclusion.

Characterized by their often remarkably lightweight design, these products showcase a deliberate effort to simplify and soften forms, while minimizing material usage. This design ethos aligns seamlessly with the growing environmental consciousness. The collection serves as a testament to the fearlessness of young designers, who willingly embrace experimentation, take risks, and actively contribute to a greener future.

SaloneSatellite, renowned as a crucible of talent and ideas, positions the creative power of youth at the forefront. By providing an opportunity to engage with the iconic Milan Department Store, it empowers these emerging designers to acquaint themselves with the intricacies of building, marketing, and engaging with the discerning public.


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