In April, KOHLER, the global leader in luxury bathroom and kitchen products, proudly presents…
Bathroom & Kitchen
Bathroom & KitchenKitchen Appliances
INTRIX One Tap: Malaysia’s First Hidden Multi-usage Water Purifier
INTRIX, a company renowned for their innovative products, began their journey as engineering solutions…
説到「千湖之國」芬蘭,就不得不提當地的國粹之一「芬蘭浴」(又稱桑拿),而且「sauna」一詞就是源自芬蘭語。在芬蘭,幾乎家家戶戶都有專屬的 Sauna 設備;由此可見,世代傳承歷時長達 2000 年的桑拿文化,早已滲透每個芬蘭人的生活。如果你也躍躍欲試,定要繼續往下看!讓你不需專門飛往芬蘭安排一趟桑拿行程,在家也能體驗蒸氣繚繞、汗水淋漓最道地的芬蘭桑拿浴!
With more than 25 years of experience in the spa and aesthetic industry, Sauna…
Some of us just might be able to live with cold water showers, especially…
A storage water heater can work wonders to give your bathroom an added layer…
Cabinets are defining elements in the kitchen. Whether you are going for classic or…
Whether you have a large wet kitchen or a small open kitchen that merges…
We know it has been a tough period amid the Covid-19 global pandemic, and…