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CommercialGlobal DesignRetail
Fantastic Jungle: The Atrium of Qingdao’s Future City Mall Receives a Bright Update
Located in the northern district of Qingdao, the Future City Mall aims to foster…
帶你看懂 Made in Italy 義大利家具的魅力!義大利作爲文藝復興的發源地,在悠久文化底蘊的浸潤下,家具設計也被賦予獨到的藝術審美,向來被當成是家居界奢侈品的象徵,造就義式家具經常出現在奢華、高檔的星級酒店套房,明星名人精緻居家的基本標配。點擊内文看編輯團隊爲你精選 3 款超優質、高性價比、負擔得起的奢華的義大利家具品牌。
A blend of Zen elements amid a minimalist space highlights the interior design of…
Most clinics tend to have a cold and stark feeling. Goflex Design & Reno,…
榮獲 2022 美國 MUSE Design Awards「金獎」殊榮!吉隆坡 93 坪 DV Prestige 輕奢風醫美診所 | Goflex Design & Reno
路上經過的行人,無一不被櫥窗獨特的佈置給吸引視線,暖光輕柔暈染在傲然挺立、自動綻放的花骨朵與一對赤裸的人型模特,烘托暖煦情境的同時,展現綻放專屬你的美的深層意涵,是位在吉隆坡市武吉加里爾柏威年廣場(Pavilion Bukit Jalil)DV Prestige 醫美診所,給予人奢雅精緻的初印象,並成功勇奪 2022 美國 MUSE Design 商空類的金獎殊榮!
The New Coway Experience Centre Offers Visitors a Unique Experiential Journey: IQI Concept
Sleek, modern, and minimal, the new Coway Experience Centre in Kuala Lumpur is an…
Nature-inspired elements elevate this bright and cheerful property showcase lounge, offering visitors a rejuvenating…
With its energetic ambience, playful vibe and spacious workout areas, this gym puts fun…
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