Home LifestyleDecor Tips 8 Steps to Planning a Home Remodeling Project

8 Steps to Planning a Home Remodeling Project

by creativehomex

A house renovation has a standard procedure and flow and it is quite extensive and complicated, you just simply couldn’t ignore each little detail.

This is about the steps in renovating a house and the details to take note on along the process, so that you have a good grasp on the concept of renovation and avoid spending money unnecessarily.

Before starting with your home remodeling project, a common question is: “do we have to consult an interior designer?”

If you are inexperience and are lack of confidence with your own aesthetic judgement or you are very occupied with your work, we would suggest you to look for an interior designer and let him or her do the supervision and the bridging in between the renovation procedures so that the renovation will be completed in time. He or she can even help you with your budget planning to avoid unnecessary wastage.

Even if you’re not going for an interior designer, you have to have a good idea on the size of the spaces as well as the functionality and the use of the spaces.

Here are some useful tips for you:

01 Protection works

Protection work must be done prior to the renovation. If you are renovating an old house and are changing the layout of the house, destruction comes before construction, that’s the main principle. From taking down the walls, to the ceiling and getting rid of old unwanted stuffs, before doing all these, make sure you have the protection works done.
You can opt for plastic cover, soft pad, PU moisture-proof pad, ply woods, to protect the interior and the common area
like the lift, stairway and corridor in order to protect the materials from collision and scratch, being contaminated, and most importantly to protect the tiles and flooring.

02 Demolition

Make good sure of the sites to be demolished. Refer carefully to the floor plan of the parts to demolish and to maintain.
The demolition will usually be carried from higher to lower ground. The steps will be the ceiling to the walls to the flooring. Pay extra attention if you’re demolishing an old house to avoid demolishing the structural wall and load-bearing wall. It’s dangerous to simply alter the structure of a house. Hand it to the experts to evaluate and start your construction one you’ve gotten the green light from them.

One more thing, before demolition make sure to cut the water and electric supply in order to ease the demolition work. The debris from the demolition has to be cleared away. Make sure the site is clean when clearing away the materials to avoid bringing troubles to the neighbors.

03 Wet works

Next, it’s time for the wet works. Interior renovation will usually involve a good amount of wet works. For example,
kitchen renovation, bathroom renovation, windows and doors replacement. The most important precautions step
is water proofing. If the water proofing work of a condominium unit is faulty water might leak into the ceiling of the unit beneath and causing troubles to others.

04 Plumbing and electrical works

If your house is over 20 years old, we’ll encourage you to replace all the pipes and cables to avoid any possible accident.
From hot and cold water pipes, drain pipe, switches, to land cable, everything is under plumbing and electrical works.

Before installing power distribution, ask yourself these questions:

How many sockets do you need? What kind of electrical appliances you need in each space? What are the sockets used for? High-power home appliances like air conditioning system, oven, refrigerator and etc, how do you distribute them?These are all things to consider and should be discussed with your contractor. The answers to these questions will help you to find out the number of sockets needed to avoid socket shortage.

Plumbing and electrical works are embedding works, you have to make sure the pipes and cables are embedded at the right places to avoid errors that eventually require walls and floor demolition.

05 Woodwork

The flow goes from the ceiling, to partitions, to walls, to cabinets, and lastly, flooring. These are where woodwork is involved. Before the plaster ceiling is put up get your lighting fixtures ready. You can then ask the workers to drill holes according to the types of light you have. Ceiling and plaster ceiling require a little study on them. You can go for a safe, non-toxic, durable trustworthy plaster ceiling brand: Gyproc.

The advantage of woodwork is that you can do customization based on different spaces. You can customize a perfect space that complies to your everyday needs. Be it feature wall, ceiling, cabinets. The more complicated the process is, the more materials involved, the higher the charge will be.

06 Painting work

The process of paint work involved protection, putty, filler, sanding, base paint, surface paint. If the wall surface is severely damaged like wall mold due to leaking in an old house, the painter will have to apply the putty and filler
to create a flat clean surface. We call it the “skim coat”. The surface paint will look better on a clean surface.

The main principle when it come to choosing a surface paint is that it will not cause hazard to people and the environment. Choose paint with low formaldehyde content, zero formaldehyde, or the recently popular anti-viral paint.

07 Cleaning work

Towards the end of a renovation before taking the house over, clean the site inside and out. This is a part of the cleaning work. When is the best time to start cleaning? It should be right before the furniture is in. From dusting the ceiling, to the walls, the cabinets, and then the floor.

08 Furniture and soft furnishing

Move in the sofa, beds, dining table, and the rest of the moveable furniture. Place them at their respective, pre-planned spot. Then bring in the curtains, carpets, plants, decorative paintings, small decorative pieces, or a set of dining ware that suits the style of the interior design. Use these items to decorate the spaces and enhance your lifestyle. That’s when your renovation comes to an end.

By understanding the steps of renovation, renovation will never be hectic to you anymore. After learning this complete step-by-step guide,  you can evaluate if you are able to handle all these or you rather hand it to a professional team of designers to assist you from designing, to construction to renovation, a full set of service.

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