Beyond merely being a way of getting away from the monotony of preparing formal meals in the hot and smoky confines of a conventional kitchen, outdoor barbeques represent a necessary part of the week for many people around the world. Whether your outdoor meals are a ritualistic affair, or just another mode of relaxation, we listed five barbeque sets to meet your outdoor cooking needs here.

Image Credit: Coleman
Coleman – otherwise known as “The Outdoor Company”, is a brand with a rich history stretching back to the year 1900. Coleman is so prevalent a brand that any hunter, trapper, gatherer, or farmer alive in the last century would be found with at least one Coleman product in their possession – if not a faithful reproduction of a Coleman product. Beginning with kerosene lamps at the cusp of the 20th century, and providing the American fighting forces of World War 2 with the iconic pocket stove, Coleman provides us with the aptly named Roadtrip™ – a barbeque grill made portable with rugged wheels and a folding design that makes it the ideal accessory for adventurers who tend to stray off the beaten path.

Image Credit: Asia Summit Marketing
Being a globally-recognised brand epitomising the heights of Italian luxury in the kitchen, Firenzzi provides a barbeque grill intended for professional chefs who would rather don the toque blanche than a “Kiss the Cook” apron. The pictured FBQ-1548 features a large cast-iron cooking surface heated by four stainless steel main burners, a double-thickness stainless steel hood, and a kebab-style motorised rotisserie. The generous capacity behind the two lower cabinet doors provides ample storage and reduces restocking trips to the kitchen, while the addition of four locking caster wheels enable this steel behemoth to be wheeled out and stowed away as needed.
Ikea ÄPPLARÖ / KLASEN Charcoal Barbecue Set

Image Credit: Ikea
As expected of any of Ikea’s offerings, the ÄPPLARÖ / KLASEN features a versatile and simplistic design that is intended to fit with Ikea’s other kitchen products and complement a range of décors. The ÄPPLARÖ / KLASEN is built around a frame composed of solid acacia wood that serves as the base for an enamel and powder-coated steel body. A pair of uncomplicated wheels allows one to lift and roll the grill out when needed, and a handy thermometer enables the chef to check the temperature without lifting the polyester powder-coated steel hood.

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As Korea’s leading outdoor company since 1982, Kovea provides one of the most spartan barbeque grills and outdoor stovetops in existence. Apparently designed for campsites more than garden patios, the body of the pictured 2-Way KG-1009 acts as a windshield for the flame. The legs of this barbeque set can be folded, enabling the fluorine-coated convective plate and stainless steel grill to be stowed away in a compact package measuring no more than 33 centimetres in diameter and 10 centimetres in height.
Somasia Canaries Charcoal Steel BBQ

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For the sake of simplicity – and for any prospective chef not intending to move their barbeque set around, Kitchenware King provides the rather industrial-looking Somasia Canaries steel barbeque set. Weighing in at 20 kilograms, this is a solid, carbon-coated steel construction mounted on four metal pipe legs, with a windshield in bright red and a wire rack for storage suspended beneath the 53 centimetre by 38 centimetre cooking grid. The
* Brands are listed alphabetically