Picket House, a project designed by One Earth, breathes new life into an old…
Global Design
Living in Layers: A Stacked-Cube Concept Brings Out the Natural Beauty of this Home in Thailand
The Stack-Cube House, designed by Touch Architect, brings the intricacy of spatial efficiency and…
Global Design
Bridging Light, Line, and Landscape: This Minimalist Villa Shines Bright Amid the Rural Backdrop of Pudong, China
Perched on the serene outskirts of Shanghai, amidst the rolling countryside of Pudong, a…
Global Design
Flow Meets Function: A Contemporary Duplex in Singapore Where Harmony Takes Centrestage
Right Angle Studio, based in Singapore, has once again redefined residential design with The…
Urban Oasis: Chempenai House, a Hidden Gem in Damansara Heights, Celebrates Nature in Minimalist Fashion
Perched on a slope in the prestigious suburb of Damansara Heights, the Chempenai House…
生活在都市叢林中,始終渴盼擁有寧靜安適的栖身之所,允以卸下負重輕裝歸家,清理積累的内在雜訊,用心沏上一壺茶、鑒賞一棵樹,裊裊茶香自茶杯升騰漾至空氣,與一隅蔥翠樹景對視,氤氳朦朧中瞧著好不真切,如此歲月靜好的家景日常是 GI Design 構築下的宅邸風貌,融入禪意的現代優雅家居由此展開。
Modern Minimalist Splendour: This Duplex in Penang Sets the Scene for a Serene and Luxurious Way of Life
The Quay West Residence in Penang, Malaysia, is a celebration of Modern Minimalism in…
Zen Oasis in Selangor: Japanese Zen Garden in a Minimalist Muji Family Home | GI Design
Standing by the window, the breathtaking view of the park’s greenery and the serene…
站在窗戶旁,旋即映入眼簾的公園綠意與湖畔的寧靜氣息,如此秀麗佳境,是位於雪蘭莪安邦 Tijani Ukay 的專屬景致。GI Design 設計團隊揉合格局與環境的先天優勢,引入沛然的日光與綠景、公領域動線流暢;橡木質材連貫全室,移植羅漢松與清竹,並以黑白砂石作為景觀鋪地,利用木圍籬框構一處日式禪庭園,創造出恬靜宜人的生活環境。
Each of these beautiful homes features its own minimalist theme using a different approach…