Home Lifestyle CH Bookshelf | Patrick Roger’s “La Sculpture a du Gout”: a Book About Chocolate Sculptures

CH Bookshelf | Patrick Roger’s “La Sculpture a du Gout”: a Book About Chocolate Sculptures


More than just a catalogue, this original and very personal book, imagined and designed by sculptor and chocolatier, Patrick Roger, traces nearly 15 years of sculpture.

It all began with an encounter with the substance, an intimate meeting with this black gold which is said to be virtually untameable. More than just simply discovering chocolate as a substance, chocolate was what unveiled his creative talent. It led him to explore the infinite world of flavour, but also the incredible universe of shapes. His passion and love for chocolate are consuming. The material surrenders to his hand, his touch, and his knife, to be reborn into something new. From the animal kingdom to pure abstraction, from arranged structures to nearly instinctive, almost wild, modelling, he constantly pushes the boundaries of sculpting, so that with each new piece a more intimate and captivating world emerges.

Then came bronze and the desire, or the need, to make his work of art last. The chocolatier thus becomes a sculptor and the incredible ballet begins – silicon moulds that take over his workshop, foundry work and the perfect restitution of shapes. The art of chocolate becomes Art, just like that! An extension of the field of material and taste, a state more than a status. That’s how this art – strong, lively and very personal – came about; the work of a unique sculptor, of a great chocolatier.

Today, the time has come to reunite nearly all of his work in a unique book to show off their wealth and diversity. More than just a catalogue, this original and very personal book, imagined and designed by Patrick Roger, with a raw cropped cover and bound with visible seams, traces nearly 15 years of sculpture.

The preface is written by Catherine Chevillot, director of Musée Rodin. «La Sculpture a du gout» is a proper book which collates over 150 sculptures in photos taken by Michel Labelle, Hughes Dubois and Laurent Dupont. Jean-Marc Dimanche introduces Patrick Roger’s sculptures and his intimacy with the material, from moulding processes to melting bronze or aluminium.

« La Sculpture a du goût »
Patrick Roger Éditions
268 pages
220 x 330 mm
Preface by Catherine Chevillot, Director of the Musée Rodin
Text by Jean-Marc Dimanche
Photography by Michel Labelle, Hughes Dubois and Laurent Dupont

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