Japanese building materials giant LIXIL, celebrating the 100th anniversary of its domestic water supply,…
藉由《Creativehomex》創辦人兼資深設計媒體人 iko iN 的鏡頭下,帶你走進 JOMOO 九牧技術體驗中心,親身感受數智創新與綠色理念碰撞下的明星產品系列,探究產品背後的創新技術。
In our quest for a greener lifestyle, the bathroom, a space that combines personal…
In the world of modern bathroom design, where trends often prioritise functionality and sleek…
Boundless Luxury: Fine Living Reaches Its Peak in this Magnificent Bungalow Next to a Golf Course
Spanning an impressive 20,000 square feet, this bungalow designed by Luxe Interior boasts a…
Beyond slim profiles and unobtrusive colours, there are a host of characteristics expected to accompany…
衛浴空間中諸如:水龍頭、淋浴配件等常見配置,再也不侷限於黃銅與不鏽鋼材質了,在家享受洗漱沐浴的地方,也能透過小小的龍頭帶來大大的感官體驗!以下是小編精選 THG Paris 4 款設計師款水龍頭系列,當中無以倫比的極緻奢雅,絕對超乎你的想象!
踏入 6 月份,再次迎來一年一度米蘭國際家具展的盛宴啦,本次料吸引全球 2,000 個品牌與廠商共赴盛會。話不多説!就由 Creative Homex 率先帶領設計鐵粉們,與我們一起欣賞編輯團隊精選的 7 個義大利家居系列精彩佳作吧! 1、Xila 系列厨具/Boffi 由 Boffi…
An ordinary bathroom can be made memorable and luxurious with some exploratory whimsy, outside-the-box…