進入三月中旬,年後的空間想要做些整修,讓整體居家氛圍與格調再提升?iko iN 將於本月 22~27 號在 Bangsar Shopping Centre 特別策劃「The Gallery by iko iN」設計週,携手 14 家品牌集聚,涵蓋:家具、軟裝、燈飾、家電、建材等,期待藉由實體活動,推薦優質廠商產品於大眾,趁著活動還未正式開始前,讓編輯帶你一起看看!
TSG 1895
Crafted with a personal touch, the new TSG 1895 lamp, Porcelain is a beautiful…
Industrial style originated from the Europe in the late 19th century. The most symbolic industrial styled building by then is the Eiffel tower. How do you pull off industrial style for your home? Let’s discover these essential characteristics to ensure that you’ll get the look you’re craving.
One thing in common is that they are all after high end, luxurious and extravagant quality.
A Perfect Harmony of Nature, Heritage and Quality Craftsmanship|Tiffany Gemstone Lamps by the Secret Garden (TSG 1895)
Nature is the muse and inspiration behind TSG 1895 gemstone lamps. Each lampshade is a presentation of the finest attention to detail complemented by a pure love for nature.
Decor TipsLivingVideo
「裝潢新手特輯」一次看懂7大設計特點!優雅與時尚交織的新古典風|Neoclassical Interior Design:Elegance, Luxurious Yet Stylish
因應時代的變遷,人類對於光的追求,慢慢不再滿足於單純的照明需求,而是在功能性上附加視覺的華麗,轉而成為一種新型的裝飾藝術品。結合「精湛現代工藝」與「古典高貴意趣」的TSG 1895寶石燈,無論擺放在哪一個空間或風格,都能瞬間聚焦視覺並傳遞出典雅魅力的空間氛圍。