Amidst Taipei’s lively urban landscape, a small 700-square-foot loft has been reimagined into a…
【展覽資訊】2024 台灣國際室內設計博覽會盛大開幕!8 大展區、近千個攤位等你來參觀!| Taiwan International Interior Design Expo 2024
由中華民國室內設計裝修商業同業公會全國聯合會(NAID)、宏觀視野股份有限公司、經濟日報聯手舉辦的「2024 台灣國際室內設計博覽會」,將於 6 月 13 日至 6 月 16 日在台北南港展覽館 1 館隆重登場!展會設有 8 大主題專區,超過 280 家廠商參展,現場近千個攤位,集結各產業重量級廠商,博覽會盛況空前,開幕即人潮洶湧。
Global Design
Living Statement: Cosy Spaces Amid a Sophisticated Backdrop Highlight this Home in Taiwan
Designed by fws_work, Residence W brings a sense of tranquility to a home overlooking…
Global Design
To Japan, With Love: This Taiwanese Micro Residence with Traditional Japanese Design is Inspired by the Owners’ Travel Memories
Memories of travel and a nostalgic atmosphere highlight this quaint home in Taipei, Taiwan…
Set amid the lush green area n Kaohsiung, Taiwan, this project celebrates the natural…
Global Design
Green Isle: An Out-Of-The-Box Concept Emerges as a Dazzling New Restaurant Typology in Taiwan
This new restaurant concept by Ken Lo from Chain10 Architecture & Interior Design Institute…
Global Design
Perfect Curves: This Clubhouse Brings Light, Space and Human Comfort Together
by chxadminby chxadminStacked vertically as a series of free curves, each floor of the Green…