在鋼骨水泥叢林遍佈的大都會中,屋主期盼擁有一間屬於自己的溫馨家居,讓長時間處於緊凑步調的疲憊身軀有處安歇。經過 inD’finity Design 設計師Darren 悉心的佈局規劃與考量屋主需求後,最終選擇將家中塑造適合年輕人的風格設計——【都市摩登風】。
Industrial style originated from the Europe in the late 19th century. The most symbolic industrial styled building by then is the Eiffel tower. How do you pull off industrial style for your home? Let’s discover these essential characteristics to ensure that you’ll get the look you’re craving.
Modern style originates from Bauhaus in the 20s, which emphasis on aesthetic and functionality. Using “less is more” as its core concept, and incorporating with modern elements.
One thing in common is that they are all after high end, luxurious and extravagant quality.
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Iko 帶上負責本次改造方案的設計師(Desmond)實地勘察發現屋況已有長達30年之久的老屋。經了解後發現屋主一家自入住以來,從未擁有任何裝修經驗。
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