本案是一間50坪與海毗鄰的高級公寓,屋主和 Darren 設計師溝通:希望全室能走一個暗黑色系,踏入家門能感覺一種舒服閒適的度假氛圍。因應屋主對大自然的嚮往,設計師為他量身打造由自然素材定調的一方小天地。
Schneider Electric Malaysia
The Finale of Schneider Electric Malaysia’s “AvatarOn: The World’s Smallest Masterpiece Contest”
by chxadminby chxadminThe finale of Schneider Electric Malaysia’s “AvatarOn: The World’s Smallest Masterpiece Contest” concluded this…
AvatarOn: The World’s Smallest Masterpiece Contest Closes with Over 1,000 Entries Nationwide
by chxadminby chxadminSchneider Electric Malaysia offers RM22,800 in total cash prizes for top 3 winners from…
CH Events | Augment Your Reality with the personalisable AvatarOn Light Switch
by chxadminby chxadminInterior designers and homeowners bid farewell to the ubiquitous light switch and embrace an…