If you’ve got a small living room and you wish it were bigger than you thought, worry not, we’ve got you covered! The 7 tricks will help enlarge a space for at least double its size.
Platinum Victory
Convenience meets comfort and connectivity at Vista Sentul Residences. A development by Platinum Victory, this freehold high rise residential development celebrates the best of vertical living.
Sprawled across 5.57 acre of leasehold land, PV9 Residences features two 34-storey towers with a total of 953 units that include dual-key unit types, which makes this property one the best investments within its vicinity.
Located right next to Sports Arena Sentosa, Platinum Arena sits in Old Klang Road, a major thoroughfare in the city. With a sports-themed architectural concept, this development provides a plethora of options for residents to lead a healthy and comprehensive urban lifestyle.
《 Beauty & The Boss 一起看設計!》第二季重磅回歸啦!由我們的主持人 「Boss/iko」與「Beauty/Amber」透過攝像頭帶大家開箱 Platinum Victory(金滿成功集團)結合「住宿、休閒設施,與零售商店」為一體的綜合型服務式公寓——「Platinum Arena」。
時代不停遞進之下,現代人對自然的向往不減反增。 近年來,綠色環保的醒覺在建築業內也應運而生:以住宅為主體,輔以綠植生態環繞、覆蓋建築物外圍,承載永續性環保節能理念,形成一個新的住宅形式,稱為——「會呼吸的建築」。 一棟會呼吸、盈滿綠意的綠色建築,奠基在人與大自然的相處,建築與植栽之間相輔相成、動靜互補,全力締造一個健康的自然生態環境。
Are you passionate about design and the environment? Then bring them together to create…