The AYDA Awards 2023/2024 international finale, hosted from July 3-5th at the renowned ITC…
Nippon Paint
Black colour scheme have a lot of personality and bold presence. If you love black interior design, but afraid of making the space feeling dreary, you will want to read our tips and tricks on how to decorate a modern black interior.
Colour plays an important role in the ambience of a house. Not only it sets the mood,it affects our emotions,and it also show one’s personal style and taste.
色彩在居家設計中佔據了非常關鍵性的地位,不僅能形塑空間氛圍、牽動人的感官情緒、它也是展現個人風格和品味最直接的表達。針對還不熟悉配色的新手來説,建議最安全的配色法是:一個空間所選用的主色不宜超過 3 種。配色用得好,你也可以是個配色達人!
Building MaterialsCommercialVideo
「專訪」抗病毒細菌塗料 許你一個健康無毒的居家環境!|Nippon Paint VirusGuard x Kajang Plaza Medical Centre
在全球疫情蔓延的時代下,住宅、商空與醫療機構等多種領域對功能性塗料,尤以「抗病毒細菌」的需求日趨漸長。馬來西亞第一塗料方案品牌——日本漆(Nippon Paint)首創一款「抗病毒、抗病菌」(VirusGuard)塗料以特殊配方製成,可有效抵抗99.9%人類冠狀病毒,完美切合人們在疫情時代衍生的新常態生活中,對於「安全、安心」的首要課題。
對於從事壁畫創作的藝術家而言,牆面儼然是一張大型的“畫紙”,從手中的畫紙上轉移至戶外牆面上作畫,確實有其難度。本次非常榮幸能邀請 Sky Yong (Sky Work Studio 天空畫社的創辦人暨全職壁畫家),為我們揭開走上成為全職壁畫家的心路旅程。一起來看看吧!
Building MaterialsCommercialVideo
給予產後媽咪悠然放鬆的護理之家|Amaby Parenting and Confinement Centre X Nippon Paint VirusGuard
Building MaterialsLifestyleVideo
「建材科普」你今天「碰壁」了嗎?Nippon Paint VirusGuard 強倍提升「牆面防禦力」為你帶來純淨的家居環境|Nippon Paint VirusGuard:Creating A Safer Space For Everyone
Building Materials
Nippon Paint Unveils New Coatings Innovation, 99% Effective Against Human Coronavirus:
Nippon Paint VirusGuard to provide anti-viral, anti-bacterial protection for homes and commercial spaces Malaysia’s…
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