When it comes to adding colours to your home, you might think of either…
Building MaterialsDecor Tips
Trendy Tones: Transform Your Space with MIECO LITE’s 2024-2025 Colour Palettes
Imagine a serene living room with walls that evoke calmness and warmth, or a…
As a pioneer in the particleboard manufacturing industry in Malaysia, MIECO’s up-to-trend designs and…
Building MaterialsTop Choice
Future Forward Excellence: MIECO Strives for Total Quality and Excellence
With emphasis on dynamic innovation and creative values in their product portfolio, MIECO strives…
進入三月中旬,年後的空間想要做些整修,讓整體居家氛圍與格調再提升?iko iN 將於本月 22~27 號在 Bangsar Shopping Centre 特別策劃「The Gallery by iko iN」設計週,携手 14 家品牌集聚,涵蓋:家具、軟裝、燈飾、家電、建材等,期待藉由實體活動,推薦優質廠商產品於大眾,趁著活動還未正式開始前,讓編輯帶你一起看看!