DEESAWAT:A New Collaboration Project To Create First Fashion Furniture Trend In The Market
This is the collaboration of DEESAWAT the expertise in making teak furniture, fashion of BLACK SUGAR, and PASAYA a leading fabric brand in Thailand.
With two editions of its fair in 2020 progressing as usual, CIFF has demonstrated…
Sofas are essential pieces to create a truly comfortable and stylish living room. Check…
你能想象住在以知名品牌 Logo 為設計發想的概念建築嗎?來自 Wamhouse Studio 的波蘭建築設計師 Karina Wiciak 已經率先將某些知名品牌的標誌設計,聯想為一棟棟的建築物。通過標誌中獨特的曲線設計做出一連串天馬行空的設想,將掙脫2D平面圖形的束縛,轉化成由混凝土與玻璃堆砌而成的3D建築設計。
本站也為大家重點彙整出其中2部熱播韓劇——「夫妻的世界」與「愛的迫降」的設計亮點,藉此考一考劇迷們究竟有沒有發現韓劇中鮮為人知的生活設計美學!走起~ -
號外號外!本站新推《iN news 頻道》與《iN news 設計誌》旨在為你蒐羅全球各地 「最新、最潮、最iN」 的設計資訊,《iN news 頻道》以影片為主媒介替你聚焦當下新穎獨特的「建築、設計、家電、家飾品」。再透過全新的《iN news 設計誌》則以文字敘事手法帶你與世界接軌,讓資訊成為你的精神糧食,豐富新視野!
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Top Italian Contemporary Furniture Brands that are Perfect for Malaysian Interiors
by chxadminby chxadminWhether classic or modern, contemporary or futuristic, Italian furniture is synonymous with quality, elegance…
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A Class Above the Rest: Vitra’s Top 8 Classic Furniture Designed in the 1950-60s
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