Bangkok Design Week 2023, the celebrated event that showcases Thai creativity and design excellence,…
Bangkok Design Week
備受全球設計圈所矚目的年度藝文盛事——曼谷設計週(BKKDW 2023)今年正式邁入第 6 屆啦!結合設計與藝術,引領觀展者穿梭設計感遍佈的大街小巷,推動曼谷疫後經濟的全面復甦。今年《Creative Homex》很榮幸能受到主辦單位泰國創意經濟局(CEA)邀請成爲媒體夥伴,共同推廣泰式設計與文化!
Global Design
Bangkok Design Week 2023 is Kicking Off Soon! 9 Days, 9 Creative Business Districts from 4-12 February 2023
Creative Economy Agency (Public Organization) or CEA, together with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, government and…
Get ready for the upcoming world’s most creative festival “Bangkok Design Week 2023” (BKKDW2023),…
BKKDW 2020: CEA Showcases Bangkok Design Week 2020 to Stimulate Continuous Growth of Creative Economy
The Creative Economy Agency (Public Organization) or CEA promotes Bangkok Design Week 2020 as…