Home ID Pristine Advantage: Ippo Signature

Pristine Advantage: Ippo Signature

by chxadmin

Sleek surfaces and a minimalist backdrop evoke a touch of high style in this contemporary home.


A distinctive minimalist palette highlights this 2-storey superlink designed by Ippo Signature. Throughout the home’s spacious interior, delicate details complement the essential features to create a polished modern look.

Neutrals and greys blend with the wood accents in the living room, generating an elegant theme that is superbly trendy at the same time.

In the kitchen area, a handsome island is beautifully done up using a white countertop and dark wood cabinets. To complete the kitchen design, high chairs accompany the island, turning it into an area for informal meals.

The designer kept the wet kitchen to a simple yet polished white palette.

The bed faces a built-in cabinet with glass doors which the owners use to store their bags, accessories and outfits of the day.

Read more in iD iNdesign magazine vol.93

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