Home Beyond The Fisheye

Beyond The Fisheye


An appointed photographer for the popular interior design magazine, id iNdesign, Gavin Yam proves to have so much more to offer apart from what meets his camera lenses. Having been in the photography industry for over 20 years, Gavin has developed a sophisticated perspective towards his passion for capturing moments as well as objects. Sit back as Gavin shares his thoughts about his beloved profession.


Can you introduce yourself?
I’m a photographer based in Kuala Lumpur; most of my works include portrait shooting for commercial products, corporate executives and celebrities. I’m especially familiar with property, home interior and exterior shooting.

We hear that you’ll be having your very first photography exhibition, what sparked the idea?
Well apart from showcasing my work, I would like to take the opportunity to tell people that there are many sides to a story, and that we shouldn’t look at things in one perspective. Just like the kaleidoscope, it shows us different things – things that are way beyond our imagination.

Is there a story behind your revolutionizing photographs?
Most of my photographs are buildings featured in unique perspectives; it resembles what I’d call a Kaleidoscope-effect. It all started when I came across this kaleidoscope that I enjoyed playing as a child. I noticed that the patterns were very special, and then it hit me. I immediately thought about implementing this idea into my architecture photography. Therefore you can see in the photographs – the lines, shapes, space and beauty; they all bring with them a different impact.

Apart from photography, what is your other interest?
I would say drawing, because I feel that drawing is another platform to display my sense of art.




“Creativity arises from the way we live; I find the two inseparable.”

Photographer at C2 Studio

Gavin’s take on creative photography:
For most photographers, everything Has To Be Done Step By Step, However When It Comes To Creativity, There Isn’t Such A Restriction.
Creativity Allows You To Exercise Even Your Wildest Imagination, So Let Your Mind Run Free, and see where it takes you.





Website:   www.ctwostudio.com

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