在不覺間一年又步入尾聲,正式迎接新一年之前,你也會卷起袖子把家裡各個角落都清掃一番嗎?如果還在用掃把來進行大掃除,那你應該給自己換個更輕鬆省力的掃除方式:只需使用一台吸塵器,就能完成零死角清潔,家中堆積的毛髮、塵蟎、灰塵全 Bye Bye!
vacuum cleaner
While our present age has often been painted with skies of flying cars and…
Home AppliancesLifestyle
CH Events | Samsung Introduces the POWERstick PRO™ Which Brings a World of Flexibility to Routine Chores
by chxadminby chxadminFrom pet fur on the living room carpet to flour on the kitchen counter,…
Home Appliances
Pure Power: Vacuum from Anywhere with the New Electrolux PURE i9
by chxadminby chxadminComing home to perfectly clean floors is nothing but a click away. With the…
Home Appliances
Power Vacuum: Samsung’s Canister Vacuum Cleaner Offers a Tangle-free Cleaning Experience
by chxadminby chxadminWith so many vacuum cleaners out there to choose from, it can be…