Perched on the serene outskirts of Shanghai, amidst the rolling countryside of Pudong, a…
Global Design
A Dance of Light: The Refraction House in Jakarta Explores a Generous Use of Glass Blocks
The Refraction House, designed by Jakarta-based architecture studio RAD+ar, is a bold exploration of…
Global Design
Nine in One: This Family Home Takes You On a Sculptural Journey in Material and Light Amid an Upscale Toronto Neighbourhood
The douBLe House designed by Alva Roy Architects artfully fulfills the clients’ wish for…
Serenade of Style: The Art of Cosy Living is Given a Modern Touch in this Putra Heights Condo
For the Serenade condo show unit in Putra Heights, SQFT Space Design Management has…
If you didn’t know any better, you might mistake this stunning residence for a…
爲了實現屋主一家四口舒適、精緻質感生活的嚮往,經過簡兆芝室内設計 INK Design Space 的巧手下,由原先的兩戶合併為一戶,透過精準拿捏空間尺度、家具比例與軟裝擺設,打造敞闊精品宅的空間氛圍。
Global Design
Diamond Stature: This Canadian Home by the Park Engages Vertical Accents and Geometric Play
On a sloping site in Toronto’s east end, this single-family, four-bedroom home is tucked…
Global Design
This Muji Style Home is Bangkok is NSFW (Not Safe for Work) – It’s So Cosy, You’d Never Get Any Work Done!
The Sora House in Fonthong Niwet, Bangkok is a picture perfect example of minimalism,…
A Home for Me and Kitty(s): Here’s a Purr-fect Abode that Every Crazy Cat Pawrent Would Go Crazy For
This residential project by Armarior Sdn Bhd tells a unique story that intertwines the…
Global Design
Living Heritage: Inside This Ultra Modern House in Vietnam, Cultural Details are Given a Contemporary Twist
Hue, Vietnam, is a city steeped in history, renowned for its rich cultural heritage…