Technologically intelligent, functional and mobile – the outstanding designs selected all share these qualities,…
IMM Cologne
From 14 to 18 January 2024, imm cologne 2024, Germany’s largest Interior Business Event,…
With fresh formats and groundbreaking topics, the imm Spring Edition has the industry excited…
科隆國際家具展(imm cologne)是德國最大型的室内設計盛會,一般會在年初舉行,但這個 6 月春季版顯然是個例外,本届科隆國際家具展從 6 月 4 日至 7 日在科隆展覽中心舉辦,因疫情的關係時隔三年後終於重磅回歸,為設計行業帶來了新的動力與活力。
It was an eye-opening experience at the IMM Cologne 2019, one of the top…