Nestled in the heart of KL Eco City, Aspire Tower stands as the finest…
誰說上班只能枯燥乏味?辦公室其實也能變成舒適有型的小天地。長時間待在辦公室,怎麼能少了既時尚又實用的辦公家具?精選 6 款 UA Office 的辦公神器,它們各個顏值高、功能強,讓你在辦公室不只工作順心,還能元氣滿滿。
位於吉隆坡生態城(KL Eco City)的 Aspire Tower,作爲全吉隆坡最大、最豪華的 A 級辦公大樓,完美融入了精緻大氣與實用的理念,帶來與眾不同的辦公體驗。如果你正在尋找一個高效、奢華的辦公空間,那麼 Aspire Tower 絕對是你的不二之選。
Mei Yan’s Home Office Tour: A Japandi-Inspired Modern Minimalist Workspace That Feels Like Home | design
The project’s client is Mei Yan, a prominent Malaysian radio announcer at Astro Radio. The objective was to integrate the residence with filming and home office functions, while maintaining a warm and spacious space that could accommodate intimate gatherings with her close friends.
本案業主為馬來西亞中文電台 Astro 節目主持人顏薇恩,希望能將這處寓所融入拍攝與居家辦公機能,同時享有溫馨、寬敞的公共空間,隨時可招待上門小聚的閨蜜友人。
Global DesignOffice
Space for Creativity: One Plus Partnership’s New HK Office Encapsulates a New Standard for Workspace Design
One Plus Partnership has recently completed its Hong Kong office renovation, and we’re all…
With its brick-dominant aesthetic, the design of this law firm stands out amid the…
Housed in Contempo, a New York-style brick building in Hong Kong, via’s new design-led…
Oriental Inspiration Enlivens This Lifestyle’s Office’s Wabi-Sabi Design: Goflex Design & Reno
There’s beauty in imperfection – that’s the heart of the wabi-sabi design philosophy. This…
Spanning over 4,800 sqft, the office located at The Intermark in the heart of…