Imagine a world where securing your home is as effortless as placing your palm…
Home Appliances
To enhance today’s ever-evolving digital lifestyle, LG Electronics has stepped forward with its innovative…
馬來西亞音樂發燒友們有福了!由已故音響界傳奇大師 Henry Kloss 以及其好友 Tom DeVesto 共同創立的美國高端音響品牌——Tivoli Audio,攜 13 款新品震撼登陸馬來西亞,橫跨 Classic、SongBooks 和 ART 系列,Tivoli Audio 透過獨樹一幟的現代復古魅力,傳遞細膩動人音質,勢必能征服你的雙耳,爲你帶來極緻的聆聽享受。
Tivoli Audio, a trusted brand in premium audio solutions, recently presented its esteemed product…
Home Appliances
Beyond TV– Where Beauty Meets Technology: LG Posé 55” 4K OLED from the LG Objet Collection
The LG Objet Collection Posé 55” 4K OLED TV is more than just a…
Home AppliancesKitchen Appliances
The Art of Healthy and Hygienic Water: LG PuriCare Objet Collection Water Purifier
How clean is your drinking water? Today with pollution on the rise, ensuring the…
踏入家門,迎來暖光亮起,拉開窗簾,空調已調節適宜的溫度,溫柔的歡迎語正溫聲問候剛歸家的你。整合家中各種燈光照明、智能家電設備與系統的全屋智能家居,實現了個人化情境設計,設計出專屬的回家模式,共同營 造一個讓你倍感舒適、傳遞安定能量的居家環境,隨著智能化、AI 人工智能、IOT 物聯網技術已進入蓬勃發展的時代,全場景智慧聯動的美好想象終於照進現實,再也不是遙不可及的夢。
Here’s one of the gems from the LG Objet Collection: the LG CordZero™ A9Komp…
With its blend of style, functionality, and safety features, the SWIFT Life small house…
Decor TipsHome AppliancesKitchen Appliances
Revolutionise Your Laundry Routine with the LG WashTower™ All-In-One Stacked Washer Dryer
Laundry day just got a whole lot easier—and more efficient—with the LG WashTower™ All-In-One…