選對了品牌,烹飪就會變成一種享受。這篇整合了 9 個功能強大、設計美觀、充滿高級質感的品牌,無論是廚電、水槽、建材還是檯面收納系統,都能輕鬆駕馭。準備裝修廚房的你,這篇一定要收藏!
The year-end festive season is upon us! It is the best time for all…
Bathroom & KitchenKitchen Appliances
INTRIX One Tap: Malaysia’s First Hidden Multi-usage Water Purifier
INTRIX, a company renowned for their innovative products, began their journey as engineering solutions…
If you’re decided on your preferred colours, materials, and configurations for the kitchen, you…
Decor TipsKitchen
2022 Kitchen Trends: Simplicity and Smart Innovation Take the Lead in Today’s Kitchens
by chxadminby chxadminPhoto: Alustil What’s cooking up a trendy storm in today’s kitchens? We scoured international…
大部分的人在裝修的時候,更多的是把預算放在整體的美觀性上;也有可能當初在和設計師溝通的時候,沒有統整所有家庭成員的生活習慣;或列出一個很明確的需求清單,導致入住後在使用上會出現不夠便利、不順手好用的情況發生。爲了避免遺憾,本文整合 12 個過來人覺得好用的居家設計提案,還沒裝修的可以馬上筆記下來!
Meals are an integral part of the Chinese custom during this festivity, and the…
While we certainly appreciate the heady fumes of a home-cooked meal after a long…
「在白淨明亮的家中,一人獨處或二人相依,喝著咖啡享受窗外和煦的日光灑落、大面落地玻璃攬收綠意入室;聆賞慢悠的爵士樂沉靜心緒,細品書籍紙頁的字裡行間;回到房内仿若處於精品旅店般舒適自在的臥眠空間」這是陳峰對於「家」一詞,心中美好的嚮往,故委託 Ooi Design & Associates Sdn Bhd 將他的夢想家園具象化,成就以下一幀幀的生活景致。