當黑與白相遇,一個經典又充滿現代奢雅感的廚房空間便誕生了,資深設計媒體人 Iko iN 本次揭露了他家最新的黑白系廚房,從選材到布局,手把手教你在現代家居中,打造一套乾濕廚房 2 合 1,既好看又很好用!往下看,都有哪些必不可少的設計亮點!
When it comes to designing a bathroom, selecting the right materials for floors, walls,…
Cosentino’s Design X Dialogue: “Crafting Narratives Through Space” with IDr Joe Chan and IDr Patrick Chin.
The third session of Cosentino’s Design X Dialogue, held in collaboration with IDr Lai…
Decor Tips
How to Design Your Own Personal Bar: Tips and Insights from Cosentino and Marco Van Ham of Designstudio MVH
Creating the perfect whisky hour starts with curating an ambience that enhances both personal…
In an era where life’s pace seems ever-accelerating, finding tranquillity and prioritising self-care has…
Straight, sharp lines and darker colour schemes are some distinct design elements that embody…
Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, is one of the most…
The year-end festive season is upon us! It is the best time for all…
源自西班牙的全球頂級建築與設計面材生產商 Cosentino,旗下所創立的 Dekton® 品牌,近日在馬來西亞推出全新的創新飾面 Dekton® Onirika 與 Kraftizen 系列,並在 Cosentino 位於雪蘭莪八打靈再也(Petaling Jaya)展廳,舉辦獨家「室內設計大師班」,特邀 Luxe Interior 設計總監暨創始人 Veanne…
今天要介紹的檯面材質是:全新 HybriQ+ 技術製成的西班牙賽麗石 。賽麗石在國外已經有超過 30 年的時間,是 1990 年由Cosentino 研發的檯面材料。不管在設計上的應用、耐用度、或者品質的接受度,在廚具業界內算是非常地成熟。