Inspired by the journey of a butterfly, the Synh Spa Centre designed by Module K is a remarkable work of art that blends soft aesthetics with ingenious details.
Set within the Shynh House Centre at HCMC in Vietnam, visitors are immediately captivated by the main facade of the spa’s building which features an eye-catching aluminium exterior screen with laser-cut perforations. During the day, the screen filters daylight, throwing interesting shadows around while at night the building lights up into a stunning sculptural structure.
Inside, there are a series of courtyards to bring in natural light and air. Wrapped around a curved glass, these courtyards produce a series of angled glass walls to complement the tree canopy in the heart of the space. Surrounding this key feature are the treatment rooms and areas which alternate between open and private spaces. Different materials and textures are used throughout to engage the five senses, resulting in a fascinating interior space that is memorable at the same time.