Home Lifestyle CH Bookshelf | The Tropical Malaysian House 1

CH Bookshelf | The Tropical Malaysian House 1


The 25 houses in The Tropical Malaysian House 1 illustrate some of the most innovative and engaging residential projects by architects and designers in Malaysia, completed in the decade between 2009 and 2018. A strong ecological message emerges responding to the question what is a modern ‘tropical’ house. Collectively, the houses in the book serve as a primer for anyone embarking on a new residence.

In this book, Professor Robert Powell explores specific dwellings in Malaysia that suit to be labelled as “tropical”. The criteria have long been held since his discussion with the late architect Geoffrey Bawa in 1995 including how a house should emphasize living out of doors, preserving surrounding trees, as well as using minimum amount of glass. But to the needs of the shifting era of living, the criteria expanded into 12 numbers of attribute that a tropical house should possess.

Natural ventilation, ability to harvest rainwater, wide overhanging eaves, and air-conditioning on selected areas in the house, are some of the attributes to be possessed by the 25 houses curated to be featured in this book. Furthermore, ecological issues and sustainability aspect are taken into consideration in responding to climate change.

Title The Tropical Malaysian House 1
Author Robert Powell
Photography Lin Ho
Publisher Atelier International

Available now from www.atelierinternational.co at RM170.

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